

  • Typical Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Affinity: Magic, Ranged
  • Weak to: Sunlight, Silver
  • Lifespan: Immortal


Vampires are an ancient race that have walked the world as long as recorded history.  They are the creatures in the dark that stories warned about.  Vampires are also very regal, having a touch in most noble bloodlines in history.  For ancient Vampires, time has no meaning, nor does physical assets, as they have collected far more than they could ever spend over the centuries.  For new Vampires, it is a whole new world.  Senses they didn’t think they had, colors and smells they never knew as a Human.

Base Attack:

Power Strike

None can match the speed and agility of a Vampire, and their strength near rivals that of Shifters.  Vampires use this to their advantage in a powerful strike that has be known to break bones if the hit lands correctly.

Base Passives:


The words of a Vampire have a way to work their way into the mind.  A Vampire can compel another being with a few words, although the more specific the higher chance of it working as intended.  Those with high mentality capabilities are harder to compel but not impossible.



[Powerful Attributes]
No one can come close to the speed and agility of a Vampire.  They tend to be a step ahead with how not only their bodies move and how quickly their minds react.  Their strength is only rivaled by the Shifters.

[Vampiric Intellect]
While not at the same level of a Fae, Vampires have an affinity with magic.  They are adept casters and capable of learning very quickly.


Sunlight and Vampires do not mix.  During a heavy cloudy day, a Vampire may be able to walk the streets during the day, at the risk of the clouds parting.  A Vampire that finds themselves out in the sun unprotected will soon find their immortal lives gone.  It is said the Aetherical Ascendancy and the Aethertech Research and Development [A.R.D] both haves way to help counter this weakness.

Shifters are not the only one that can not tolerate behing cut by silver.  Wounds on a Vampire caused by silver can take days, or weeks, to heal depending on how bad the wound is.

Creation of a Vampire

A Human may be turned into a Vampire if the following conditions are met:

  • They have been bitten and drained of their blood.
  • They have received the blood of the Vampire.
  • Their body is strong enough to handle the turning.  It is a tolling process that not everyone would live through.

If all are met, a Human will become a Vampire after a few days.  The type of Vampire they become depends on which type of Vampire bit them.

Meet the Vampires


Sanguine Vampire

Sanguine Vampires drink blood to satiate their hunger. They are the classical Vampire everyone thinks of. 


Appearance: Depending on their level of hunger, they may look like a human.  If they are fully fed, Vampires look mostly human, with slightly paler skin.  As they go longer without feeding, their eyes will turn darker and veins will appear on the body.  They may also have claws on their hands that can be hidden.  Vampires have a wide range of fangs.  From the typical two-fangs on the top set of teeth, to multiple fangs along the top and bottom.


Special Ability: 

Our Blood: If a Vampire feeds on another living being, they are able to have influence on the person.  It takes several feedings for this to become strong enough to have any true meaning.

Sanguine Vampire


Energy Vampire

Unlike their Sanguine kin, Energy Vampires feed off a being’s energy/magic.  This is even more useful for a Vampire that focuses on magic abilities, as they will be required to feed more often.  While Energy Vampires do not have to directly bite someone to drain their magic, they need physical contact.


Appearance: Depending on their level of hunger, they may look like a human.  If they are fully fed, Vampires look mostly human, with slightly paler skin.  Energy Vampires also have a faint glow to their eyes after feeding  As they go longer without feeding, their eyes will turn darker and veins will appear on the body.  They may also have claws on their hands that can be hidden.  Vampires have a wide range of fangs.  From the typical two-fangs on the top set of teeth, to multiple fangs along the top and bottom.


Special Ability: 

Into the Mind: Energy Vampires can adjust the emotions of the person they feed on, this can last several days after the feeding happens.  It is not mind control, but able to influence the emotions.

Energy Vampire


Coming Soon

Coming soon!


Special Ability:

Coming Soon