

  • Typical Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Affinity: Death
  • Weak to: Light
  • Lifespan: Already Dead


Tales of people coming from the dead have been told for generations, although very few ever believed it.  In most cases it wasn’t true, but not completely false.  Places that were deeply permeated with magic had a higher chance of strange things happening.  It wasn’t long after Wichhaven was founded, that some would return from their grave.  Since then, the graveyard of Wichhaven has been carefully selective of who gets burried there.  It is not the only way, as other answers have been created by use of direct magic and by science.  The Undead must always be careful, while they not denied entry to any location in Coldridge County, many look on them in fear.  

Base Attack:


The sight of the Undead is enough to make most freeze in fear, but when they hear the Screech of the Undead it is enough to chill them to the bone, scare them to the point of harm.

Base Passives:

Grave No More

The Undead are already dead, they can not be killed again.  They can be incapacitated, but never killed.  Immune to potions or diseases, the Undead are truely immortal in every sense of the word.



Death has its draw backs, but also advantages.  The Undead can not be poisoned, they can get get sick or catch a disease.  Unless they have recently eaten, they may not even feel much pain.  

An Undead may lose a limb and through consumption of a living being, regrow or replace what was lost.  Every part of an Undead may be regrown or replaced, making them truely immortal. 


The Undead must consume to stay in control.  Be it the flesh, brains, or energy of another being, the longer they go without satisfying their hunger, the higher the chance they will go ravenous.  Once this happens it is extremely difficult to ever get it back under control, and would become an enemy to all others living in the area.

The Undead move slower while in light.  This is mostly from sunlight, but in the right type of lighting the same result can happen.  It does not harm them like a Vampire, but it doesn’t slow all of their functions down.

[Regeneration Sickness]
The Undead can not die again, but they can be hurt to the point they have to regenerate.  Feeding helps speed up the process, but an Undead that is completely knocked down may take several days to a week to be back at full strength.

Creation of the Undead

A Human may be turned into an Undead if one of the following conditions are met AFTER dying:

  • If they they buried in the Wichhaven Graveyard, they will arise as a Wraith.
  • If they are brought back by magic, they will arise as a Ghoul.
  • If they are brought back by science, they will arise as a Zombie.

If one of the above is met, a Human will become an Undead after a few days.

Meet the Undead



Ghouls are an Undead race brought back by magic.    They still retain their memories of their former life, but may not always have the same mindset.  A caring person in life, may be hateful as a Ghoul.  Ghouls are required to eat the flesh of living beings to keep from going mindless.



Ghouls have a humanoid shape, they may stand upright like a Human, or hunched over.  They typically have pale or even a green tinted skintone.  Claws on their hands and feet, and sharp teeth.  They have eyes that are solid colors, missing the pupil and iris.


Special Ability:

Eat to Become:  When a Ghoul feeds on a living being, they are able to take on the appearance of the person.  This does not last forever, and they must continue to eat.  Some Ghouls are known to keep a body saved to take on the appearence when needed.




Zombies are Undead that has been brought back by Science or Technology, a virus created to reanimate the dead.  Not all are mindless when they return from the dead, some have full control and can function like their previous life.  They tend to be looked down on and feared when people find out what they are.



 Depending on the amount of damage done, Zombies have a wide range of appearance.  They can look like a human, although more pale unless makeup is used to hide that.  Their eyes would be more glazed over, but contacts can hide it to those that aren’t looking closely.  Zombies may also have scars or wounds that never heal.


Special Ability:

To Know what you Eat: When a Zombie consumes the brain of another living creature, they are able to take the memories of that person.  The memories are not forever, as they would get wiped away by the next brain eaten. 




Wraiths are Undead that were burried in Wichhaven Graveyard and returned from death due to the magic that permeates the area.  They are non corporeal beings, and require feeding off the energy and emotions of other living beings.  If a Wraith does not, they become ravenous and mindless, with nothing on their mind but killing.



In Wraith form, they can take on their appearance before death, but with a semi-transparent look.  They may also take on a more spirit form.  

When they possess someone, they take on the form of that person and race.


Special Ability:

Your Body, My Body: Wraiths are able to possess the bodies of others.  During this time they are able to fully control the body and even sound like the person.  They have limited access to memories of the person, enough to pass as the person if limited questions are asked.
