Apply for an Advanced/Restricted Race or Faction Lead.
Magic and how it is used.
Information on Rentals within Coldridge. Personal, Business and Faction*.
Information on Skills for Coldridge
Information on the Aethernet, the core communications and data management system of Coldridge.
The combination of Magic and Technology, the breakthrough that jumpstarted the technological revolution.
Economical information for Aetherstone and Wichhaven.
Map of the major locations in Coldridge.
The Story and History of Coldridge.
Timeline of major events of Coldridge.
Rules that players must follow for Rental property in Coldridge.
Rules that players must follow to roleplay in Coldridge.
Lore, Stats, and Subraces of the Fae in Coldridge.
Lore, Stats, and Subraces of Humans in Coldridge.
Lore, Stats, and Subraces of the Shifters in Coldridge.
Lore, Stats, and Subraces of the Undead in Coldridge.
Lore, Stats, and Subraces of Vampires in Coldridge.
Government of Aetherstone and Wichhaven
Magic Faction
Technology Faction
Criminal Organization
Player made factions, not one of the official five.