Coldridge County

Eldritch Themed Second Life Roleplaying Sim

Brief Story

Coldridge County takes place in our current time, in a county along the North Eastern coast of the United States.  The County is named after the Coldridge Mountains, and has two major settlements within it.  The two sister settlements of Wichhaven, a harbor town along the Northern Coast of the bay, and the City of Aetherstone on the Southern Coast.  The different races are known and welcome in both areas, and magic is common place. 

Brief History

Wichhaven and Aetherstone were both founded during the early days of the Country.  They were like any other location in the Americas, aside from the fact they were founded by and welcomed other magical users.  As time went on, this expanded to all the races.  The technological advancement was increased due to the use of magic, and the creation of both the Aethernet and Aethertech within Aetherstone.

Getting Started



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